Cover 5

First Light, Final Hour

First Light, Final Hour



Average rating3


This is the second novella of the Koontz's Ashley Bell series. It follows the awesome duo, Makani, Pogo and Bob the dog. The first novella Last Light was by far my favorite Koontz novella, and this one is...not great.

Don't get me wrong, Dean Koontz is an excellent writer. He wrote one of my favorite stories, Lighting, although he wrote one hell of a forgettable story. glares at Twilight Eyes at the bottom of a pile of books, hoping it gets squished into hell. At the same time, feeling dissatisfied with myself for being mean to a book that used to be a tree

The thing I disliked about Twilight Eyes is how the main female character is heavily sexualized, and doesn't have anything else interesting about her. Unfortunately, Final Hour follows this same pattern once the antagonist was described as being so fit, her buttcheeks could break open a Thankfully, the main protagonists make up for some of the silly fuckery of a butt breaking an acorn open.


Koontz Ranking:

1 - Lightning
2 - Phantoms
3 - Watchers
4 - Last Light
5 - Devoted
6 - The Neighbour
7 - Nameless series
8 - Odd Thomas
9 - Final Hour
10 - Midnight

December 3, 2023Report this review