Following the Rules
2021 • 204 pages

If you want a break from life's noise without venturing into fantasy [a:Lane Hayes 7125719 Lane Hayes] is always a good choice and [b:Following the Rules 57589040 Following the Rules (The Script Club, #1) Lane Hayes 90189504] keeps up the streak. This is the first in a new series featuring a group of geeky brainy friends and their journeys to HEA. It is tangentially an off-shoot of the Starting From series but can totally stand on it's own. Simon is a football player who's been sidelined because of concussions. The time off has led him to reevaluate what his future looks like. In the meantime he's finishing his college degree, albeit online, but needs a little help. Thankfully his brother George sets him up with one of his brainiac friends to help and tutor. Said friend is Christopher who goes by Topher to his friends, super smart and lives for any kind of knowledge & research. His kryptonite? Jocks. The relationship between the MC develops pretty quickly from student/tutor to discovery or experimentation for Simon & fantasy come true for Topher to sexual & emotional gratification for both MC. Despite the speed the progress feels organic. There's also minimal drama which feels true to who these characters are, their backgrounds, their families, and the time and place they live in. The sexy times where hot & sweet at once and I was overall pleased. I think you will be too. My one niggle is unimportant and not relevant to the story so you can/should completely ignore it. I add it under a spoiler tag because I use GR as my book/reading diary. a couple of times Simon is referred to as Si and my bilingual brain wondered why someone was saying yes in Spanish? Maybe it was just me or maybe use Sy?

May 16, 2021Report this review