Average rating2.8
I just couldn't get past the fact that she seduced him in his sleep and had sex with him against his will. All this so that he could make her his mistress. And then protesting when he suspected that the child isn't his? When you are manipulative from the start, saw the man as a provider of $$ can you blame him? Granted there were WTF moments too from the hero who thought she was a whore (his words not mine) just because of her perfume - before the whole sleep seduction thing btw.
So this is a messed up couple that wouldn't work in real life. Just couldn't buy their romance 😂
OMG, this was several orders of magnitude better than my last venture in old romance novels from the Pacific Beach, WA lending library! I learned about pagan sheela na gigs (worth the Wikipedia read), the relationship was pleasantly egalitarian despite the Regency time period, and the protagonist and her beloved had both hot sex and witty repartee. Exactly what you want in a beach read!