From a Distant Star

From a Distant Star

2015 • 272 pages


Average rating3


This book started really well.

The narrative was quick, captivating and mysterious. At the beginning, I perfectly understood Emma's reasons. She was so in love with Lucas and she wanted him to be okay. Then, when he suddenly got better and the logic explanation came, I was delighted.

The story was magnificent... at least the first fifty pages. Then, I started to hate Emma. I felt she was selfish and at every moment she said how much she missed Lucas and how badly she wanted him back. The romance became cheesy and I couldn't stand it.

The idea of combining romance with sci-fi was great at first, but then it became weird... really weird. That's why I can't say that I liked this book. Actually, I have mixed feelings, by one side I hate it and the other side of me says it was ok.

I'd like to try another book by this author. I'm quite sure she has another books that I could like.

-I recieved a free eBook from Netgalley but this fact didn't influence the review-

April 21, 2015Report this review