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Ray Bradbury, America's most beloved storyteller, has spent a lifetime carrying readers to exhilarating and dangerous places, from dark street comers in unfamiliar cities and towns to the edge of the universe. Now, in an extraordinary flight of the imagination a half-century in the making, he takes us to a most wondrous destination: into the heart of an Eternal Family.
They have lived for centuries in a house of legend and mystery in upper Illinois -- and they are not like other midwesterners. Rarely encountered in daylight hours, their children are curious and wild; their old ones have survived since before the Sphinx first sank its paws deep in Egyptian sands. And some sleep in beds with lids.
Now the house is being readied in anticipation of the gala homecoming that will gather together the farflung branches of this odd and remarkable family. In the past-midnight stillness can be detected the soft fluttering of Uncle Einars wings. From her realm of sleep, Cecy, the fairest and most special daughter, can feel the approach of many a welcome being -- shapeshifter, telepath, somnambulist, vampire -- as she flies high in the consciousness of bird and bat.
But in the midst of eager anticipation, a sense of doom pervades. For the world is changing. And death, no stranger, will always shadow this most singular family: Father, arisen from the Earth; Mother, who never sleeps but dreams; A Thousand Times Great Grandmére; Grandfather, who keeps the wildness of youth between his ears.
And the boy who, more than anyone, carries the burden of time on his shoulders: Timothy, the sad and different foundling son who must share it all, remember, and tell...and who, alone out of all of them, must one day age and wither and die.
By turns lyrical, wistful, poignant, and chilling, From the Dust Returned is the long-awaited new novel by the peerless Ray Bradbury -- a book that will surely be numbered among his most enduring masterworks.
Reviews with the most likes.
This was a strange book. I enjoyed it but it took a little while to figure out what was going on. I wound up enjoying it even though it is quirky.
Toiset kirjat syntyvät nopeasti, toisia haudutellaan sitten vähän pidempään. From the Dust Returned sai alkunsa 1940-luvulla kirjailijan ollessa vain parikymppinen kloppi. Ray Bradbury kirjoitti omalaatuisia tarinoita Elliottien kummallisesta perheestä. Ensimmäisen tarinan kuvitti Charles Addams ja tarkoitus oli koota myöhemmin tarinat Addamsin kuvituksen kanssa yksiin kansiin.
Niin ei koskaan käynyt, mutta yli 50 vuotta ensimmäisten tarinoiden jälkeen Bradbury sai vihdoin koottua Elliot-tarinat yksiin kansiin. Valitettavasti Addams ehti kuolla ennen kirjan valmistumista, mutta ainakin kirjan kantta koristaa alkuperäinen Homecoming-tarinaa Mademoiselle-lehdessä kuvittanut Charles Addamsin piirros.
From the Dust Returned on novellikokoelma, jossa Bradbury esittelee sukua kuin omaansa. Tarinat ovat lempeitä ja runollisia, yliluonnollisia ja luonnollisia. Kirja esittelee henkilöitä rakkaudella ja kauniilla kielellä, jossa on kaunokirjallista viehätystä. Varsinkin Halloweenin alla From the Dust Returned on herkullinen kirjallinen välipala. (6.5.2010)