Average rating4
Fast-paced–and it definitely didn't end up where I thought it might be going. Great job on the action and the clues and covering a huge mystery in a limited space with very few leaps of logic.
Sometimes the word choice was wrong, which threw me for a few mental loops deciphering it, and Redwood as a nurse includes a lot of technical speak that could be funny to read (along the lines of appendages for fingers, though I don't have the book in hand at the moment to give an actual example) but which a few times led me to skim over some health treatment bits just because I needed a few more laymen's terms. Otherwise it's really easy to read and memorable (which is good, because my puppy devoured my copy when I was halfway through and I had to wait for another copy to come in the mail.)
I'll definitely be checking out more books by Redwood.