Average rating2
So, I knew from the start that this was yet another new author's take on urban fantasy, but was hopeful when I found some clever variations on the tried and true tropes. Alas. As the unrealistic characterisations piled up and the plot was wrenched this way and that with little regard for realism I gave up and did not finish. I just do not think any of the people in the story would act in the ways that they do, given what we are told (not shown) about their background. (Also, she's 18 years old, has been in foster care for 12 years, but her mum died at her birth...so what's with the missing 6 years? Bad editing? Did I misunderstand?) I hope this author keeps practicing on her writing group because some of the ideas showed spark, but I do want much more practice and much more editing before I attempt another one.