Average rating3
"Ghost Stories is a graphic novel collection offering three haunting explorations. Granted the chance to meet three of her dead idols in "Ghost," the author's cartoon-self embarks on a journey to remote and unanticipated landscapes, in a story of self-discovery and healing. In "Wallpaper," a child tells the story of a household move, remodel, and loss through the lens of flashbulb memory. And in "Makers," two girls with an unorthodox friendship make a rocky transition into adulthood. Throughout each tale, ghosts exist as past selves and remnants of past relationships that are met with inquiry, resolution, and personal rebirth."--Amazon.
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I picked this up without looking inside. The art style is not my favorite and the three stories are separate but they're disjointed and bland.
In the third story about Tessa and Hope I get that no one died and that she's being ‘ghosted', it's the death of their friendship but Tessa is boring and flat while Hope is fleshed out.