and I am adding these to the list. A > choice blend of ghostly gooseflesh and > ectoplasmic entertainment." > -- ALFRED HITCHCOCK *These ten stories, written by an expert in the art of the strange, the spooky, and the suspenseful, will give you hours of pleasantly shivery reading -- mixed with chuckles to relieve the tension.*" inertia>Ghosts and More Ghosts | Hardcover and I am adding these to the list. A > choice blend of ghostly gooseflesh and > ectoplasmic entertainment." > -- ALFRED HITCHCOCK *These ten stories, written by an expert in the art of the strange, the spooky, and the suspenseful, will give you hours of pleasantly shivery reading -- mixed with chuckles to relieve the tension.*" inertia="description">
Ghosts and More Ghosts

Ghosts and More Ghosts

1963 • 211 pages

> "Some of my best friends are ghosts,
> and I am adding these to the list. A
> choice blend of ghostly gooseflesh and
> ectoplasmic entertainment."

*These ten stories, written by an expert in the art of the strange, the spooky, and the suspenseful, will give you hours of pleasantly shivery reading -- mixed with chuckles to relieve the tension.*

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