Ghosts of the Shadow Market
2019 • 512 pages


Average rating4.3


Oh, I really really liked this. Having Brother Zachariah and Jem in the same book is always a blessing, this collection of stories simply confirms what City of Heavenly Fire and Clockwork Princess already knew. It's a fantastic journey, and is more similar to that of The Bane Chronicles, in that we move chronilogically through 150 years or so, and not so specifically set in one place and time frame as Shadowhunter Academy (which is arguably the best of the story collection books). Seeing Jem living through these historical things, either from the mundane world or in the shadowhunter world, he has so much wisdom, and he reads people so well, he's just an absolute wonder to follow.
There is so much information in the first eight stories that is essential before going into both The Last Hours as well as Queen of Air and Darkness, the 7th and 8th story are particularly VERY important when it comes to QOAAD, like you want to know this before reading QOAAD.
The 9th and 10th stories spoil the entire plot of QOAAD, so I would defer from reading them until after finishing it. It's very important to do this.

Individual ratings:

Cast Long Shadows - 5 stars
I love Matthew Fairchild. This story will rip your heart out. Good luck. RIP to you.

Every Exquisite Thing - 4 stars
Anna Lightwood is an absolute treasure and we must cherish her. I love parents Cecily and Gabriel, and aaaah this one just oozes family love and I diiiiiiiig.

Learn About Loss - 3.5 stars
It goes a bit slow and is interesting and fascinating, but not particularly exciting. Amelia, the Iron Sister, is really awesome, and I wish we saw more of her. I hope to see more of her, of Iron Sisters in general. Give me more of the Iron Sisters. Also, the Lost Herondale.

A Deeper Love - 3.5 stars
Just Jem and Tessa pining for each other because they can't be together. Also there's WWII and the Lost Herondale and all that crazy stuff. Someone almost dies, you know, just how things usually go with Shadowhunters.

The Wicked Ones - 5 stars
This one is just SO INTERESTING. We honestly know so little of The Circle, and getting this insight into Valentine and how he manipulated the people around him is so jarringly fascinating. The Mortal Instruments gives us little of the old members of The Circle, and I love getting to know more. We meet Stephen Herondale and Céline Montclaire, we see Robert Lightwood in his youth after the shit we found out about in Shadowhunter Academy. This one is just really good, you know. Also, the Lost Herondale. (are we noticing a pattern perhaps?)

Son of the Dawn - 3 stars
Alternatively, The One Where Jace Learns About Family, but I digress. It's a sweet little story on Jace. It was nice.

The Land I Lost - 5 stars
The Land I Lost is soooooo gooooooood I wanna scream about this story forever. LILY CHEN IS SO WONDERFUL AND I LOVER HER. Honestly, the Malec stories always manage to bless us to the heavens, like I can't. Alec is so oblivous and grown up, and I love him and his stupid ass. It really lays out the changes that have happened since Sebastian and it's a welcome thing to see the downworlder side of the entire ordeal, since we always follow shadowhunters. Just fucking great. Must be read before QOAAD.

Through Blood, Through Fire - 4.5 stars
Can I hear you say JEM! Can I hear you say TESSA! Can I hear you say JESSAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Much The Lost Herondale. Ties into Lady Midnight. Should definitely be read before QOAAD.

The Lost World - 4 stars
Spoils QOAAD. We get to see Tyyyyyyyyy! And a little of Kit, and some Jem and Tessa and it was real wonderful and also hella fucking sad. The Wicked Powers is too far away. I need, I NEEEEEEED.

Forever Fallen 4 stars
It is so nice to see Kit settled like this. Or at least, fairly settled. My heart just blossomed by reading those parts. Less excited about the more overpowering part of this story, Janus has me very very very very very very very worried. Actually, the entire concept of him as a character has me worried for The Wicked Powers, but I must trust Cassie. She has not disappointed me yet. And I am more excited than worried. SO PLEASE GIVE ME THE WICKED POWERS VERY SOON I AM DYING OF SUSPENSE HERE, DYING I TELL YOU.
Overall, I totally dug it. Need more, please. The family life is too good, I want three books of it.

November 21, 2019