Give Your Speech, Change the World: How To Move Your Audience to Action

Give Your Speech, Change the World

How To Move Your Audience to Action

2005 • 240 pages
Give Your Speech, Change the World: How To Move Your Audience to Action

Give Your Speech, Change the World: How To Move Your Audience to Action

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

Type: Physical Book

Language: English

Pages: 240

Information: 1

Release Date: 2005-02-01

ISBN 10: 162527629X

ISBN 13: 9781625276292

Country: United States of America

Give Your Speech, Change the World: How To Move Your Audience to Action

Give Your Speech, Change the World: How To Move Your Audience to Action

Type: Physical Book

Language: English

Information: 1

Release Date: 2005-02-01

ISBN 10: 1591397146

ISBN 13: 9781591397144

Country: United States of America