Average rating4.1
Well, that was one of the most disappointing continuations of the series. I just can't fathom why there are so many pages for how little happened in this book. I've seen the author's post stating that there will now be six books in the series because she didn't want to cut scenes out of book five. It's a shame, because Glow needed some good editing.
I had a real issue with the pacing of the book. Almost nothing happened for almost the whole book (till 87%, are you for real?). And at that point, I was so tired of all the flashbacks, needless sex scenes, and the repetition of the same things over and over again that I just skim-read the last 100 pages.
I don't like Slade in this book. I do not understand half of the things he does. Why does he need to be king and commander of the army pretending to be two different people? Especially when his brother can't live his life and is there just to be a Fake Rip? Why do they only notice that there is so much wrong with this when Auren points it out? And the funniest thing - it gets resolved so quickly. Slade just issues an order that Ryatt is now in command of the army. That's it. And everyone supports that, even his own army, who has no idea who Ryatt is and why he's suddenly leading the army. But that doesn't even matter because as soon as there is some problem with Auren (she needs time to rest, gets trained, goes on a tour of the Fourth Kingdom, gets kidnapped), they forget all about their kingdom and leave it to I don't even know who.
I also have so many questions about Slade's decisions. He's ready to starve his own people just because he doesn't want to send Auren to trial. I just... He was supposed to be this scary king, who is intimidating not only on the battlefield but also in all things political, but we don't see that at all. He decides that it's a great idea to just ignore other kings and queens when the price of that is the starvation of his own people. Is that a good king in the author's mind? I just can't deal with this.
I was eager to see that trial. I had such high hopes that Slade would be there to help Auren come into her power and guide her in all this political intrigue. Instead, anytime Auren wants to talk with him, he just fucks her brains out and tells her don't worry about people starving on her behalf.
There are also some other POVs. I didn't really care about them and have no idea why they were needed at all.
I don't know if there is any reason for me to continue with this series at all. Disappointment.
Actual rating; 4,5
Honestly this book felt longer then was necessary but oh my god this ending!!!!
Also, I really appreciate Aurens growth trough this book. I loved how she went from grieving to being a true bad bitch and I'm here for it
Not me thinking that this series was finished already. Now I have to wait till the end of the year to finish this?? Sigh.
Some parts we're slow it reminded me a lot of ACOTAR, training and Auren getting stronger. But the last 20% was the best. Very fast paced and had me wanting more at the end. Great ending.
I really loved this book. I’m a sucker for FMC having to pull herself out of rock bottom and emerge as a strong badass, and that is exactly what she has done. I am a sucker for the love interest and the friends being there to support her along the way, and that is exactly what happened.
This book hit me deep in my emotions, and I truly loved it. Their time in Deadwell was so powerful, my heart was aching the entire time I read it. Poor Auren has had to go through so much pain, suffering, and abuse, and I wish she did not have to deal with the loss of her ribbons and the trauma she faces knowing Midas did it to her to try and force her back under his thumb.
Some people may not like the slower pace of this book in the series, but I LOVED it. the character development of Slade, the healing of Auren, the side plot with Queen Malina?? And then the Rissa in the 4th army sub plot? Loved those little cheeky chapters. I really enjoy books that showcase trauma, mental health issues, and healing/growth. This book was mostly that, and for that I love it. It gives me a sense of comradery with the characters who deal with their struggles, and I can so relate to that feeling. I also can relate to a tall dark and handsome inserting themselves into my life and being the push of growth and healing I need, so that was really special to me to see.
Slade pushing Auren to talk about her trauma was SO moving. I also really enjoyed the background we got on Slade. Even though it is book 4 and we are just now learning his past, I still think it is relevant and will become relevant in book 5 & 6? It HAS to be, I just have a feeling.
Once we left Deadwell and went to Brackhill (the castle), it was wonderful in a whole other way. Auren basking in the sunshine? Enjoying life during the day? Friendships? It was wholesome and touching, and I loved it. I personally think this break from the tense trauma plot was great and we still got plenty of that by the end!
The ending…. I have no words and have no idea what to write here. I am appalled, horrified, happy, sad, shocked, distraught, heartbroken, excited, and more. Book 5 I need you now!!
Glow by Raven Kennedy was a perfect book 4 in the Plated Prisoner series, and I cannot wait to read book 5. I have a feeling big things are happening soon!!
Originally posted at woarr.com.
Spoiler-Free Review: (Potential Spoilers for the first 3 books of the series )
Raven Kennedy... excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor! Y'all this book was so good! Those last few chapters had me by the throat with anxiety. Glow picks up where Gleam left off, which for me, kept a good pace for the book. Slade is escaping with Auren, Queen Kaila is being sketchy, the people are panicked, and we get all of this through multi-POV goodness. Y'all know I love multi-pov... it just makes for deeper development, which I am a sucker for. In this book, we get a fair bit of back story into Slade's past. This really deepens his character development and helps explain why he is the way he is. Secrets are revealed about his past and his family that I hope get more expansion in the next book. Auren— my sweet, sweet Auren. She has spent the last three books enduring some deep trauma, and we finally get a bit of healing in this book. The way Raven Kennedy wrote her finally realizing her worth, and not fearing her power, was truly beautiful. Slade and Auren's romance finally heats up now that they are free to do so, and y'all, it is hot! The level of spice in this book is more than any of the others. The way Auren takes hold of her sexual freedom after being abused for so long, is just chef's kiss. So many sub-plots and side stories, but there's one in particular that I am very intrigued to get more of— cough Osrick. The ending still has my heart pounding and it's been an hour since I've finished. I cannot wait for Gold next year! This is an Adult Fantasy, 18+ for sexual content, themes, language. Check trigger warnings.
I had to skip the unbelievably cringe and terribly written "sex scenes." They were soooooooo bad. The story was ok. I was much more interested in the politics and world building. The "romance," was unnecessary.