Happy Cooking: Giada's Recipes and Tips for Making Every Meal Count...Without Stressing You Out

Happy Cooking

Giada's Recipes and Tips for Making Every Meal Count...Without Stressing You Out

2015 • 320 pages


Average rating4


Happy Cooking

I'm interested in happiness. How could I pass up a title like Happy Cooking?

You probably know the author. Giada De Laurentiis. I didn't. Still don't, though I am pretty sure she is one of those celebrity chefs on tv. Don't hold that against her; she has a lovely little cookbook here.

Like many of us, De Laurentiis is happiest when she is cooking. In this book, she shares recipes that are both healthy and stress-free to prepare.

Well, let's put the cookbook to the test. Why not start with a recipe for something that is always a little stressful for me? Shall I try her recipe for pot roast? Yes, I think I shall.

Here's her Sunday Pot Roast.

I was a little flummoxed at the start. Fennel? What's that?

The produce manager at the grocery knew, of course. Looks quite a bit like an onion, though it is in the carrot family. Quite healthy for us, apparently.

All the other ingredients were easy. The recipe called for some onion. A chuck roast. Rosemary. Thyme. Garlic. Potatoes. Homemade marinara sauce. And red wine.

Some simmering on top of the stove.

And then ready for a couple of hours in the oven.

What did we think of the Sunday Pot Roast? It met all its promises. Healthy? Check. Delicious? Check. Easy? Check.

And are we quite happy now that we have eaten it all? Yes, we are.

I'm ready to try a few more healthy, happy meals from Giada De Laurentiis' Happy Cooking.

March 3, 2016Report this review