Happy Place

Happy Place

2023 • 388 pages


Average rating3.8



Is it terrible that I kind of wish Harriet and Wyn had just stayed broken up for good? EIGHT years and they NEVER EVER talked about the stuff going on in their lives? Why even be in a relationship with each other? What did they even do then, in all that time? Brood, sleep and fuck?

As is the case with her other books, the writing was lovely and the banter was fun to read, but I didn't connect with the characters as much as I'd hoped, and in fact at times they got on my nerves — especially Sabrina: I kept half expecting Cleo to smack her across the head whenever she uttered one of her little passive-aggressive remarks.

Be that as it may, I did enjoy reading this because duh, Emily Henry. My EH book ranking looks like this at the moment:

1. Book Lovers
2. People We Meet on Vacation
3. Happy Place
4. Beach Read

I'm not discouraged and am currently, patiently waiting for whatever Ms. Henry has planned to share next.

June 18, 2023