Average rating4
This is a short novella in which a character introduced in [b:Heart's Duo 25513506 Heart's Duo (Ugly Eternity Book 4) Charity Parkerson https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436757301s/25513506.jpg 44917062] gets his HEA.You could read it as a standalone but some of the characters from the previous books do make appearances and if you don't know their story it'll just seem like filler. In any case this a sweet, angsty story about two men who each think of themselves as woefully lacking and that the other guy is the cat's pajamas. The only conflict is that though they flirt and maybe do some heavy petting they don't talk to each other about their feelings, fears or wishes for about 4 or 5 months. However it is sweet to see how dumbstruck Finn is about Austen that the fact he is in a chair (veteran injured in war) doesn't even rate as something to acknowledge except in how careful he always is to not hover or look down or crowd Austen. For his part Austen finds in Finn a good, generous and hardworking soul who comes in a hot package. Their chemistry is intense even when sexually they may be more in their heads due to Austen's limitations. That is something I wish [a:Charity Parkerson 4506281 Charity Parkerson https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1439847397p2/4506281.jpg] would've fleshed out more clearly because it is a reality for many. Not only veterans but many other differently abled people who wish and deserve healthy sex lives in whatever shape or form that may take.Once again [a:Hollie Jackson 7830771 Hollie Jackson https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]'s narration was aces.