Average rating4.5
Les trois premiers volumes de Heartstopper nous plongeaient dans une romance très mignonne entre deux adolescents anglais, entouré de leurs adorables amis. Ce quatrième volume poursuit sur cette lancée tout en approfondissant le propos. Autour de l'histoire d'amour toujours très mignonne entre Charlie et Nick, Alice Oseman nous propose également, et surtout, un récit sur la santé mentale, à travers les troubles du comportement alimentaire de Charlie. Nous assistons au difficile chemin emprunté par Charlie pour trouver de l'aide et essayer d'aller mieux, lentement, pas à pas. Nous suivons également Nick qui tente d'aider son petit ami mais se retrouve souvent impuissant malgré tout l'amour qu'il éprouve pour Charlie.
J'ai bien aimé le message porté par l'autrice dans ce quatrième volume : l'amour ne suffit pas à guérir face à des problèmes de santé mentale, il faut être entouré de sa famille, de ses amis, et de professionnels. C'est un long chemin semé d'embuches, pas toujours à sens unique, et qui prend du temps.
another exceptional chapter in a fantastic series. that speech from nick's mom in the middle was the sweetest.
read for the tarot readathon 2023: the starweekly significator (the emperor)
these last two volumes have really done something for me
Heartstopper is such a special series to me and that's exactly why months later I am coming back to write a review so I can try convince as many people as I can to pick this up.
These characters and the stories that come along with them are special and important. I wish I had stories like this when I was younger and trying to find myself. Being able to watch as Charlie and Nick fall in love felt almost like a privilege. They are so special.
I absolutely recommend this.
Omg, this book was a lot heavier than I expected it to be. But I thought it was handled well. While I did hope for full on fluffy cute pages for the duration of the book I was glad it took a more realistic approach to loge in general. I did almost cry twice, but let's not talk about that.
Vol 4 is now tied with vol 2 as my favorite and I cannot wait to see what happens in the 5th (and unfortunately last) installment!!
meh didn't really like it, their romance became stale asf and it felt like alice was just trying to make it emotional forcefully by throwing in triggers here and there
Oh my god, why did it end with such a cliffhanger? And, I feel like I do not need to say much. This is PHENOMENAL, cute, amazing, so good to read. I LOVE THIS SERIES!
This has been my favourite volume of Heartstopper so far, which is saying a lot because I've loved every single one.
What makes this volume stand out to me is the nuanced way it deals with mental illness in teenagers. It's a frank depiction and it doesn't skim over the ugly parts of mental illness the way a lot of other YA fiction has a tendency to do. I also thought the book did a good job of illustrating the complexities of being the partner of someone with a mental illness.
This one is an easy five star rating as far as I'm concerned.
TW: eating disorder, mental health problems.
Nothing but love for this series. This part made me cry. Poor Charlie ;-;
My favorite thing about Alice Oseman's work is how she goes: “I'm gonna make you feel something today or else” and then proceeds to ruin you with all the emotions. I think Vol 4. might be my favorite so far. There's so much character exploration and deep emotional conversations. I couldn't get enough even when it hurt to read. Also Victoria “Tori” Spring is my hero!
Format read: ebook (Libby)
Reading time: 50 minutes
Tags: romance, lgbtq+, high school, slice of life
Own a copy: no
Reread likelihood: 2/10
Mmm... As much as I liked the first 3 volumes, this one wasn't for me. I found it much too melodramatic and lacking in realism. The fact that Charlie and Nick are 15 and 16 years old, respectively, makes their relationship a bit too ‘extra' at times. Plus, things took a sharp turn from the lightheartedness of the previous books with Charlie's mental deterioration and Nick's desperate attempts to ‘save' him.
Others might find this topic interesting, but it's not to my taste.
This was ridiculously cute. I just care about these characters so much and hope to always see them happy. I like the discussion of mental health here and how it is not up to one person to save the day.
Once again a beautiful book with amazing representation of both queer experience and mental illness issues.
This was such a touching and heart felt instalment in the series.
I love Nick's mum and Charlie's sister!