Average rating4.6
I wish we had half stars because for me, Heir is a solid 3.5 book.
I don't have time to do a whole review but i do say go read that long two star review. A lot of that I agree with and think is accurate. Also go read that long 5 star review because that too is also accurate.
Heir by Sabaa Tahir is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
This was everything I needed to be as a follow-up to the Ember in the Ashes Quartet. I binged the entire quartet right before Heir and I could not set a single book down. There is absolutely zero skips in the quartet and Heir is exactly the same way. If you haven't read The Ember in the Ashes yet this is your sign to do so, because it's completely necessary for you to understand the world, characters and politics from how it was left in the quartet. It's also just an amazing series so you should read it just to experience it for yourself.
*If you haven't read An Ember in the Ashes do not read on past this point I'm warning you, go read it and then come back *
Heir follows the next generation of characters after we left the world in A Sky Beyond the Storm. While we still do see beloved character from the previous series, in this series we follow Quil, emperor to be and nephew to Empress Helene Aquilla as he battles a new threat to his people the Kegari with their flying machines. There are also two brand new characters with no connection to those we know and love and we get the chance to live in their heads as well.
Sabaa Tahir does an amazing job expanding an already intricate world in a way that feels effortless. In the same style she has, I would not get too comfortable with liking any particular character too much, or brace for the emotional impact because she continues to deliver. I highly recommend this series and can't wait to read the next one!
Heir adalah spin off dari seri An Ember in the Ashes, berlatar dua puluh tahun setelah kejadian dalam buku sebelumnya. Novel ini kembali memperkenalkan karakter-karakter lama, seperti Quil, keponakan dari Permaisuri Helene, yang masih dibayangi oleh kekuasaan brutal ayahnya, Marcus Farrar saat ia bersiap mewarisi takhta. Tahir juga memperkenalkan karakter-karakter baru, termasuk Aiz, seorang yatim piatu dari Kegar yang berjuang demi bangsanya, serta Sirsha, seorang terbuang dari kaumnya, yang mengejar pembunuh anak-anak dengan sumpah magis.
Novel ini mengeksplorasi tema-tema kompleks tentang kesetiaan, perjuangan hidup, dan moralitas, terutama saat Aiz bertanya seberapa jauh ia dapat berkorban demi menyelamatkan rakyatnya dari kelaparan dan penindasan. Pengembangan karakter dalam cerita ini sangat terasa, dengan Sirsha yang bergulat dengan masa lalunya, dan Quil menghadapi tantangan kepemimpinan dengan rasa tanggung jawab yang membayang.
Bagi teman-teman yang belum membaca seri An Ember in The Ashes, aku menyarankan membaca serinya dulu yang terdiri atas 4 buku, karena Heir ini adalah kelanjutannya, yang garis waktunya mulai 20 tahun setelah A Sky Beyong The Storm. Sangat disayangkan apabila langsung membaca Heir karena banyak bocoran dari buku-buku sebelumnya. Walau begitu, bagi penggemar seri An Ember in the Ashes, Heir akan menjadi kelanjutan yang sangat memuaskan.
I need the second book now!!! (also hoping that this remains a duology even though I do want to spend forever with these characters I also just do not have enough time in my busy life to keep getting sucked back in...actually I wouldn't be upset if sabaa just kept writing!!!)