Average rating4.3
Updated on reread to 4.5 stars: I remember disliking how slow this book felt in contrast to books 1&2, but the emotional depth and character development in this book is insane and so necessary for the rest of the series.
Honestly don't really care about the Rowan romance. Giving this book four stars EXCLUSIVELY for Manon and Abraxos. A little bit of star credit goes to cinnamon roll Dorian.
It's been a while I've been waiting to read it. Like a lot of previous readings, a lot of people said to me it's one of the best of the book series. But for once, I expected too much. I mean, of course I liked it, but I didn't love it. I think it's because the book is more deep, better writing and a lot of POV. But still, I don't get the interest of Manon's POV. Like the first two books, the end is so breathtaking !! I mean, just with 30 last pages, the author manages to make us wanting for the next book !
Great book! SJM knows how to write a good story. The POVs were all super interesting and I love the cast of characters and all of the things they go through. My heart hurts for all of them, especially Dorian. Excited to see how Manon's story develops.
Bis jetzt mein Lieblings Band der Reihe ich bin gespannt wie es weitergeht und werde direkt weiterlesen ❤️
This book was amazing. It tied everything together into this ONE BIG GIGANTIC PLOT AND I LOVED EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT. I'm very disheartened at the thought of Rowan not showing up for quite a while, but, THEIR FRIENDSHIP/RELATIONSHIP WAS POSSIBLY THE BEST IN THE ENTIRE SERIES.
I hope Aedion and Dorian live through the end because they truly became close to my heart. Can't wait for the next book
Holy monkey balls!!! The amount of things that happen in this book is crazy!!! just read it!!
Echt heel erg langdradig en saai zeg. Er gebeurde wel wat, maar niet veel omdat alles zo mega uitgerekt was verteld. De wisseling tussen tijdlijnen was erg verwarrend. Ik ben door dit deel echt aan het twijfelen om door te lezen, want de boeken worden alleen maar langer en het wijkt steeds meer af van het oorspronkelijke verhaal (wat we in boek 1 gelezen hebben en die was voor mij 5 sterren!)
“Because I am lost," she whispered onto the earth. "And I do not know the way.”
I'm still conflicted about the rating. While i loved the first two books of the series, i really struggled with this one. There were numerous things that i loved but it was also so slow and a huge portion of the book was very boring.
I understand what the author is trying to do - introducing new concepts and forging a way for the next books to follow. But my problem wasn't the storytelling - which was amazing. My main issue with this book is the way it dragged. I liked Celaena's chapters at first, but then they became too angsty, too repetitive and honestly i found myself not caring at all about her time in Wendlyn. I had a hard time not to skim her chapters, and by the time i finished the book, i forgot everything that happened in her parts. So basically i wasn't fully immersed in her journey and that is a me problem to be honest. Also, Rowan is so dull.
As for the saving graces of the book, the introduction of Manon was so good. I loved the witches sub-plot and i absolutely loved Manon and Abraxos. I'm so looking forward to see where her character arc is heading.
I still think the pacing picked up by the end of the book. The last chapters were super intense and i honestly was on edge when i reached Chaol and Dorian chapters. My heart broke for them, i love these two so much and they deserve so much better. Aedion was a cool addition to the story, i enjoyed the chapters where he and Chaol teamed up, i thought they made an awesome duo.
To sum it up, this book is definitely shifting the story into a new direction that i'm not sure it will be to my liking. I enjoyed half of this book because of the side characters and i will definitely continue the series for them, but this is probably my least favorite in the series
I feel like this book is the actual start of the series and the ones before it were all just prequels. Also, we all collectively hate the covers of these books right? Her hair is wrong and she doesn't even use a bow and arrow in this book, does she? I can see why this is the book that turns people off to the series as a whole. I really just did not care about Aedion and Chaol's plot, let alone Dorian and Sorscha. I mean we all knew that was going to end up in tragedy. I really liked Manon's story, though it's a lot to just throw in a brand new character to focus a third of the book on when you are halfway through a series. I was bored for a lot of this book, but the ending tied everything together and Rowan is a dreamboat. Beware of the tattooed fae males in a SJM series... As I'm writing this review, I'm already about 100 pages into Queen of Shadows.
i really had to force myself to get through a big portion of this book. it got a bit more interesting near the end but not enough for me to rate it higher.
4.5 ⭐️
Another great entry in this surprisingly addictive series!
A few new characters were introduced and immediately became some of my favorite (Manon is simply fantastic)!
I love where the story went and how expanded the world became.
The ending just makes me want to pick up the next book of the series this very moment!
I have only one criticism and that is the way the resolution of the conflict between Celaena and Rowan was handled. The switch was so abrupt as though Rowan became a different person.
Regardless, I enjoyed this book so very much and am continuously impressed by the author.
Though full of tropes and a healthy dose of one-dimensional thinking, I enjoyed this book so much. I'm fully hooked on this series now, especially with the introduction of new characters and more plot development and world-building. What a fun read, with great twists and stakes.
Very very slow until the last 25%. The ending was good and I’m excited to jump into the next book which makes me look back on the-almost-dnfed-it 75% with appreciation. Kind of like when you white knuckle a workout and then feel glad you did it only once it’s over.
There was some great character development in Celeana, but every other character seemed flattened to make room. Characters I loved feel like strangers now. The pacing was off too, some really short bursts of excitement and plot movement, followed by several long chapters of something else entirely and not interesting.
It sounds like I hated this book. I didn’t, it just didn’t grab me like the others. Hope the next one picks it up.
This review contains spoilers for books three through six in the series! You have been warned!
Random Shit I Wrote Down In My Notes While Re-Reading Heir Of Fire Because I Have Limited Internet Access Right Now:
• Why r we still calling her Celaena
• I still miss Tower Of Dawn Chaol :(
• Sorscha :((( I'm sad now
• All of the characters I missed are returning Merry Chrysler to me
• SJM's writing is so addictive like I literally had to force myself to stop reading for the night so I wouldn't fuck up my sleep schedule more than it already is
• Oh nooo I forgot Aelin and Rowan are distant cousins dear god-
• As much as I love Manon, I forgot how much I hated her POV chapters in this book ughhh
I think I've gotten past my inability to read any of the Throne of Glass books and this one happened to tear my heart to pieces.
First of all, I hated all of Manon's chapters until I decided that they were a nice change from the typical Aelin/Celaena, Chaol and Dorian povs.
Those last 150 or so pages were a ride and they made this book amazing. I hate how good it got, I hated the pain that came with it. And I just need Dorian to be okay..
Edit: Bumped down the rating to 4 stars, no hate against the book but it seemed more suitable