Average rating4.1
Honestly, the only problem I had with this book was that the ending was so darn quick! What, a girl can't dream and hope for an epilogue?
But everything else in this book? L-O-V-E-D it. And I want me some more. Now. .-.
Huh. I just went to look up the second book of the series? And what do you know? THIS is the “epilogue” I wanted...in full book form...which is even BETTER. So scratch out that first part of my review. I love ALL of this book: the wit, the bad-assery, the romance, the hilary, and so much more. So you can understand why I need to cut this review short so as to not delay in reading the next book. (Muahahahahahhahahahha)
Downtrodden, but feisty, female vampire is recognised as special and moves to live and work in the virtually all-male vampire centre of power, where she immediately becomes a commander, training resentful sexist males. She falls for the biggest sexist of the lot.
It passed the time, but was not great. The characters were 2D, not believable. the development of the romance was boring, and not convincing. The hero was meant to be arrogant in a good way, but he wasn't. There were few other women in it, and they were all shallow and unpleasant.