Average rating2.7
This is a good sequel to the first book. Parts of it just didn't work as well for me. Other parts did work well.
CAWPILECharactersAveda Jupiter/Annie Chang lots of good emotional and character growthScott normal things, funny that he made an anti-love spellBea is still dumbAtmosphereNothing really notable for meWritingStandard writing, nothing exceptional or badPlotDecent plot that did have me guessing who was behind it and why the whole time.InvestmentHard for me to be invested. I wanted more Evie and NateLogicFollowed its own rules consistently.EnjoymentI mostly enjoyed reading this.Misc
I will be talking about it on Libromancy https://libromancy.podbean.com/ on 08/27/2023
Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento
En Heroine Worship ahora tenemos como protagonista a Aveda Jupiter. Y me moría por leer por el dramón que nos dios en Heroine Complex entre ella y Scott, ese tipo de romances son mis favoritos, los que al parecer están destinado a vivir miserablemente. No voy a negar que eso era lo que quería de este libro, sentirme como porquería y llorar.
Aunque no conseguí eso, Sarah Kuhn si me hizo identificarme de nuevo con Aveda, la chica que nunca encaja y que siempre siente que sobra, al leer primer libro, no voy a negar que lloré mares porque DAMN, ERA YO EN AVEDA. Siempre intentando caer bien, pero fallando miserablemente.
No voy a negar que me decepcionó un poco que resolvieran sus problemas como adultos maduros.
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Lost interest. Attempting to clear out my 2021 in-progress books before year's end. Might try again later.
I LOVE the covers for this series. Perfect representation of the story and characters found within. Great use of graphics. It is colorful and eye-catching as well.
After reading and LOVING book one in this series, I was super excited to get my hands on this book. Alas, I am disappointed to say that this one just isn't working for me and I am tapping out at 50%.
I found this one just incredibly boring and slow, and I couldn't stand Aveda Jupiter AT ALL. She came across way too narcissistic and abrasive, and since she is the narrator of the story, it made it almost a painful experience to read.
That said, I will most likely still give book three a go, and I hope it will be more like book one.