Average rating4.1
One of the three Pottermore ebooks and it was really nice! Interesting facts about the world of Harry Potter. I am looking forward the other two books, I read them now...
It has been a while since I read the original books (hence me tackling this series once more) however, I feel as if I already know this information? Despite that, I enjoyed the read, especially about how the Hogwarts express came about.
This was another quick read for me and I enjoyed it!
This is, I believe, a little taste of what Hogwarts: A History can be if Rowling ever bothers to write it. I love Hogwarts, and I love knowing more about how it was made and how some of its pieces work.
It's funny to me how Rowling tells us that she destroyed all the time-turners exactly to prevent people from doing what she is doing right now in The Cursed Child.
Sweet read but unfortunately it goes against several decisions made in The Cursed Child, which felt a bit weird. Some part seems a bit off too. Overall it's always nice to get back into the Potterverse.
Ah Hogwarts
This is world-building for a novel the readers normally wouldn't get to see. Thank goodness for the huge Harry Potter fandom as it gives us this little gem to join the rest.
While some of this is new and others aren't, I would have liked each entry to have been more in-depth than the snippets they are. Despite that, this is an enjoyable quick read.
I really enjoy all of the details of Harry Potter's world. JK Rowling's imagination is remarkable. That being said, this book is really just a collection of writings from Pottermore. They're still worth a read, but some may not feel the need to spend $2.99 for a book form of the same online content.
I enjoyed the extra info, but felt it could have been so much more. Also not wholly convinced on the style, where it's partly in the story, but then partly looking at it from the outside e.g. “in the Harry Potter books”, and with extra info from JK Rowling herself. I was kind of hoping it was going to be written by someone from the HP universe, in character. Same applies to all three of the newly released books.