She lost her words but found her voice. All My Rage meets The Poet X in this electric debut that explores a Muslim teen finding her voice in a post-9/11 America. Nida has always been known as Mamou Abdul-Hafeedh’s niece - the poet who will fill her uncle’s shoes after he was wrongfully incarcerated during the war on terror. But for Nida, her poetry letters are her heart and sharing so much of herself with a world that stereotypes her faith and her hijab is not an option. When Nida is illegally frisked at a Democratic Senatorial candidate’s political rally, she writes a scathing poem about the politician, never expecting the letter to go viral weeks before Election Day. Nida discovers her poem has won first place in a national contest, a contest she never entered, and her quiet life is toppled. But worst of all, Nida loses her ability to write poetry. In the aftermath of her win, Nida struggles to balance the expectations of her mother, her uncle, and her vibrant Muslim community with the person she truly wants to be. With a touch of magic and poetry sprinkled throughout, Sarah Mughal Rana's Hope Ablaze is heartbreaking, often funny, and ultimately uplifting, not only celebrating the Islamic faith and Pakistani culture, but simultaneously confronting racism and Islamophobia with unflinching bravery.
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Nida selalu dikenal sebagai keponakan Mamou Abdul-Hafeedh, yang dipenjara karena menulis puisi, disebabkan oleh sentimen terhadap muslim setelah 9/11. Bagi Nida, puisi-puisi karyanya adalah hatinya, dan membaginya dengan dunia yang penuh prasangka terhadap agama dan hijabnya bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.
Setelah Nida digeledah secara ilegal pada acara kampanye kandidat senat partai demokrat, dia menulis puisi pedas tentang politisi tersebut, tidak pernah terpikir untuk akan viral setelah pemilu. Puisi Nida menang peringkat satu dalam kontes nasional , kontes yang tidak pernah diikutinya, dan hidupnya tidak pernah sama lagi.
Aku tidak menduga akan ada unsur magical realism ketika membaca blurb buku ini. Ketika Nida diminta oleh ibunya menulis permintaan maaf kepada kandidat senat yang dimaksud, mulai muncul tali biru yang hanya terlihat oleh Nida, muncul di pergelangan tangan dan tenggorokannya, menghalanginya untuk menulis puisi maupun berbicara.
Buku ini mengangkat tema Islamophobia, khususnya terhadap imigran dari Pakistan (ibu dan paman Nida), menunjukkan kepada audiens bahwa hal ini masih banyak ditemui di Amerika Serikat. Dilengkapi dengan puisi di setiap bab, kurasa penulis membawakan karya debut ini agak berbeda dengabnnovel kebanyakan.
Sayangnya, aku kurang cocok dengan gaya bercerita Sarah disini, walau temanya menarik buatku, Islamophobia. Namun buku ini sangat aman dibaca di bulan Ramadan.
The author gives us a character to root for and stand with as she finds her voice to speak loudly with. I love Nida and even the crazy goat. The secondary characters define Nida just as much as her pen does. Hope Ablaze is everything you want a young adult novel to be and so much more. I love it.
I received a free copy of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.