Average rating3.6
My local bookstore did a promotion giving away the print version of this book on indie bookstore day. I walked down just to get it and say hi.
Fun fact the print is really small, so I tracked down the ebook from the publisher, and bought that. The paperback will be gifted to help spread the word.
I've been leery of Amazon for a while, and seeing how things work as an author only re-inforced my worries.
Danny's words resonated and helped push me further from giving amazon my money.
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader as part of a quick takes post, the point of which is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness..
This is a no-holds barred critique (screed?) against Amazon—their business practices, the way they treat employees, the way they deal with governments, their security products...and just about everything else. It's also a call to arms against the giant.
I have a lot of sympathies for Caine's positions and desires—and agree with most of them. I also follow some of the practices he espouses (not as many as I want, but hey...I'm on a budget).
Still, I'm not sure the megastore is a super-villain—it may resemble one, very closely. As much as we might want it to be.
Read this—blanch at some of it—but take it with a grain of salt.
I started this book last year and had a bit of a hard time getting through. It’s got a great premise, but it is difficult to follow the organization and the same points are often repeated. However, I did learn a lot about Amazon’s practices and am more empowered to continue quitting Amazon this year, as much as we can. I recommend for anyone who wants to learn more about Amazon as it relates to the book industry.