2017 • 300 pages


Average rating4.3


It's been a little over 24 hours since I finished Hundreds and I am still in a state of shock. I wanted to give myself time to recover before I wrote my review but I don't think I am going to be fully recovered for quite some time. Hundreds starts to really give us a glimpse of who Elder really is (and I must admit I love him so far). We start to learn a lot more about him and what makes him the way he is. Pim surprised the hell out of me in this book. She is far more strong than I thought and I loved watching her slowly discover herself. Hundreds is full of emotional ups and downs and by the time you get to the end you will be totally gutted and dying for more. Pepper Winters is truly the master of complex stories with multilayered characters. I have learned that when reading her books I must always keep an open mind and expect the unexpected because nothing is ever what it seems. Thank you for once again blowing my mind!

June 12, 2017Report this review