Average rating5
With Breathe Your Last, I was absolutely blown away by Lisa Regan's ability to craft an engrossing story that delivered a big punch with the reveal. I had high hopes for this, her newest book.
It delivers.
Josie and Noah are getting married. A joyous occasion! But before it even gets started, the celebration comes to a screeching halt when the body of a young girl, a girl Josie knows, is found on the steps of the chapel.
Josie is compelled to investigate. She knows this girl. Her mother helped Josie in a time of need, and Josie can't just go on with her wedding and let her team handle it. That isn't how she rolls. And when she learns that the girl's mother is dead and her younger sister is missing, things really kick into high gear.
Josie is quite possibly one of the best protagonists I've read in a long time. She is driven, not by the desire to be in the spotlight, but by a need to solve the case. She cares deeply about justice for those who are killed on her watch. And as much as she knows that getting emotionally invested in her cases can lead to trouble, sometimes she does it anyway.
And once again, I had a hard time putting this book down. I did only because I had to sleep. The action grabs you and sucks you in, and you just cannot bear to stop reading because you gotta know what comes next. I found myself emotionally invested in Holly and Emily and their family, and I will own up to tearing up in places.
Ms. Regan also did a good job with her treatment of mental health issues. She writes her characters and explains their struggles sympathetically and realistically. I just wanted to reach into the book and hug them at times.
To sum up, if you're looking for an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat, gotta-know-what-happens-next read that will keep you guessing until the end, you cannot go wrong with Josie Quinn. Five white-knuckle stars from me.
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An isolated, hidden house in the woods, half a family murdered, a cancelled wedding, lots of suspense, a major personal loss...“[b:Hush Little Girl 56336058 Hush Little Girl (Detective Josie Quinn, #11) Lisa Regan https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618340227l/56336058.SY75.jpg 87772449]” is one more mystery/thriller from Regan's production line - she writes three to four books in this series per year. Thus, it cannot really surprise anyone that while these books are fairly entertaining, they're all derived from the same formula.If, by now, you like Josie Quinn and her team you won't be disappointed by this instalment either. Apart from one rather disruptive (and overly drawn-out) change in Josie's personal life nothing ever really changes in this series either, though.For the entertaining but utterly forgettable book it is: Four out of five stars.Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram