Average rating3.7
All girl spy boarding school? Is that a book synopsis or a LICENSE TO PRINT MONEY?
Seriously awesome though, oh man. Just the perfect blend of cool spy gadgets and girl power and humor and realistic ~teen girl feelings.~ This series had been vaguely on my to-read list forever and it's definitely as good (or better) than the awesome premise makes it sound.
Also there's not really any strong language (except Farsi! HA GET IT) or sexy stuff so it's a good tween read. Or for anyone really. Holla.
Short Review: This is an ok young adult book with a promising premise. Cammie is a 15 year old at a private girls school where her mother is the headmaster. But this is not just any girl's school, it is a school that is training girls to be spies. It is sort of hogwarts for spies. Cammie meets a boy when she is doing a covert ops exercise and falls for him. But their relationship is built on lies, because she can't exactly reveal who she is.
The book is a little too predictable and the characters are a little too flat. But the narration was excellent and because a young adult friend has the rest of the series I will probably pick up at least one more to see if it get better.
My full review is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/tell-you/
I had not heard of this book/series until someone asked if I had it. It was a really fun read. Maybe nothing earth-shattering, but very enjoyable.
I love spy stuff. My favorite superhero is Black Widow. I grew up watching reruns of the original Charlie's Angels. I'm obsessed with all things espionage. So happening to come across this book in a lousy old Goodwill that day (I have a whole story for this day btw) seemed to be fate.
I loved it, and I wish so bad that I could attend the Gallagher Academy (despite the fact that I've graduated already). Though I wish it was a bit heavier on the espionage, easier on the romance. If there's gotta be romance, I hope there's a Mr. and Mrs. Smith-esque feel to it.
Cammie was kinda annoying at first, but I grew to love her. She definitely deserves better than Josh. I want to see Macey developed more, I feel like other than her introduction we barely got to see her in this book. Bex and Liz, unfortunately, I could really care less about. I hope they get some good development too, though.
Otherwise, this was great and I can't wait to see what's next!
(Goodwill: A man tried to steal a fold out table- more specifically the table that my mom had already taken the tag off to purchase at the register. He tried to physically fight me, my mom, and the store's manager so he could get out of the store with the table. I don't know if he was drunk or on drugs or what. Needless to say, the security had to escort him out kicking and screaming. We got our table in the end. That was a wild day.)
I enjoyed this story a lot! It was cute, fun and I liked the characters.
Looking forward to reading more about Cammie, Liz, Bex, Macey and the other Gallagher Girls. :)