Average rating4.1
Dex got on my damn last nerve until the very end. No, fam. The whole “let me act like an ass and treat you like an ass because I don't know how to act but all is good as long as I say I'm sorry and use my words like I should have at the get-go” gets real old FAST. He did it one too many times and it wouldn't be me.
THE GIRLS WERE EVERYTHING! They get the 4 stars. They were hilarious and cute. They were really great kids and truly happy considering their parents divorcing and each parent doing new things separately.
The 4 stars go to everything about the book minus Dex. That is all I have to say in the matter.
grumpy Single dad, falls for younger next door neighbour.
This was really close to 4 stars as I really enjoyed it. There was a couple really cringey moments I had to like get up and walk away before I tried to keep going.
Their chemistry was off the charts, and the little girls were so sweet !!! Hearing about Winnie all grown up was really cool, and we still got to see glimpses of our favourite Sawyer family.
Dex is an ex-military firefighter, single dad who loves his girls. He wants to be better than his father was, and he everything he can for them.
When he moves next door to Winnie, instant attraction.
Neither of them want a relationship. Winnie falls in love too quick and is on a personal challenge to stay single and have control over her feelings.
They start something casual, and promise not to fall in love.
Well whoops, they did anyway.
But then Winnie gets a job in a different state - her dream job. Dex won't admit he wants her to stay, so she goes. And both are miserable....
Maybe 2.5? Dex has some major anger issues that he needs help with. Winnie was fine but boring. Ok I found both main characters boring. That being said I DID finish the book so that has to count for something. The kids were written well. I loved them which was surprising as I usually get irritated reading about kids in single parent Rom coms but she did a fantastic job. I actually really enjoyed the camaraderie between Dex and his kids. So 2 stars for that. I find the spicy scenes pretty meh.