Average rating3.9
A laugh out loud real look in the mirror
I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this book and will likely read it again and again 🤗 not only was it funny (like cackling on the train funny) but so prevalent and relatable! Love every minute and I really recommend it. It changes you to look at yourself and others and yes judge lol 😂
First few chapters were a fun ride, the second half was a be-woke-or-else guilt trip. I wasn't familiar with the author prior to reading this book, so I just didn't know what I was in for.
Odd, I could have sworn that I had marked this as read months ago.
Goodreads, I'm giving you the side eye.
Luvvie does an excellent job of narrating her words and I loved hearing her teach me how to say her beautiful name.
This book is a feast! In her book, I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Guide, Luvvie Ajayi covers a healthy handful of various and important topics ranging from body image to homophobia, social media behavior to sex tapes and so much more. I agreed with so much of her insight and gained life tips and a confidence boost as well. How can you beat that?!
If you can, try and listen to the audiobook as well. Luvvie's warm voice and tell it like it is personality make you feel like your having a deep convo with one of your closest best friends. Perfect book for the new year.
this was SO GOOD. luvvie is hilarious and this book touched on so many topics- social media, religion, relationships, friendships, etc. i was even called out for being ashy. it was a fun read from start to finish, and she stayed true to her voice throughout.
I wish this book had been around when I was in my early 20s and thought I knew everything but I was actually an idiot about most of these topics. An approachable intro to social and racial justice, written with humor and love for the reader. I found the switching back and forth from fluffy (detailed direction on moisturizing your skin, for example) to heavy (white supremacy, misogyny) very jarring though. It felt like two different books merged together. Both would be good on their own, but the combination didn't flow too well. I adore Luvvie and I hope there are more books to come from her. She is a bright light in the darkness.