Average rating3.3
“What are memories if not stories told repeatedly to oneself? Her whole body is the very narrative of her existence.”
Not going to lie, I quite liked this book. There are some... interesting plot holes that really should have been addressed such as the lack of consent and I would have loved to know more about the entire class system and it's politics. Despite that, the entire premise is engaging and I am excited to read more about the world and magic system.
Was it easy to guess the plot twists? yes but I don't view that as a bad thing. I enjoyed the book either way. The characters are not perfect and nor do they claim to be. In fact the majority are quite ruthless and bask in it
To me it's very YA with added ruthlessness and gore. There is a minor intimate scene but nothing crazy. All in all it's a fun read if you don't look into it too much. It definitely needs some things ironing out and I hope that the author can do that in the next instalments
This was terrible and disappointing. Such a cool premise, but all so disjointed and inartfully executed. This had such potential to either be a great adventure/action book and/or commentary on capitalism, OR a good romance. It did neither well.
I am intrigued, I am curious, I will need to read the next book. However, this book has major issues.
This city would have failed long before the events of this book, how can it even function if people are just constantly stealing each others bodies for extended periods of time when the only way to catch on to them is a change in eye color? There are millions upon millions of supposed people in this city, if you want to commit a crime there are going to be plenty of people with the same eye color as you to borrow for a few hours while you gave your fun. The other eye thing is also either a huge plot hole or a way to obvious hint to a plot point for a later book, but for the purpose of book one it looks like a very bad plot hole.
This book is basically The Hunger Games, but stupid.
We have a post-apocalyptic adjacent world, comprised of 2 cities, some countryside and maybe another state.
We follow a handful of placeholder characters, who are somehow badass before we meet them and go through no evolution through this whole story.
Both world and character “development” are done exclusively through exposition and boy, oh boy, was it boring to read!
The plot is so shallow and half-done, that it falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. So, if you've come for the thrill of action and discovery - don't bother.
And if you've come for the romance - still don't bother. Our characters “fall” for each other over nothing more than physical attraction and in no time at all, despite having nothing remotely gentle between each other. I couldn't see chemistry, nor proper reciprocation between the two of them. All I saw was dysfunction and that ain't cute.
But I think the worst thing about this book was its female “protagonist”, who has nothing to offer but rudeness, stupidity, selfishness and cigarette smoke. I will never understand why so many contemporary authors, who want to write strong female characters, can only imagine them as having nothing feminine about them. A woman doesn't have to be masculine to be worthy of respect. A woman doesn't have to be nasty to be worthy of fear. A woman doesn't have to be sarcastic to imply depth. Have we lost all sense of subtlety?
The sad part is that there could've been a great story here and there were a couple of nice twists. But it was like finding a couple of nice bits in a bucket of slop.
I will not be continuing with the series.
After the first 30% i thought i was going to absolutely hate the book, i almost dropped it at 50% but i kept going because i was curious and I was actually kinda sorta interested in the next 30% following that (only to get annoyed again at the latter parts of the book) and i don't hate the book.
The world-building was ABSOLUTE rubbish, it was a mess. The world-building details were scattered throughout the book at random moments and it was wasn't well done at all. It was as if Chloe Gong came up with an semi-interesting magic system/plot but had no idea how to actually make it work and made it up as she wrote the book (at least in my humble opinion). I am not usually one to be super nitpicky (at least i dont think i am) but the world-building was so jarring i just couldn't help but pin point and get really annoyed. I don't think it makes very much sense at all. The games also felt like an accessory just to make the plot a bit more entertaining and action packed more than anything else. At the end of the day, i feel like i have way more questions than I have answers.
All this being said, despite the characters and the romance both reading YA (unsurpisingly), i did not hate them. Am i attached? no, not at all, but unlike in the last two books I've read, i did not want to throw the characters off the cliff.
They are by no means outstanding or unique in any way, but i enjoyed them enough tbh. The characters however, especially the MC, were not morally gray or too complex. Also, the romance could've been so much better if it was more build up before the confessions started slapping you in the face – but i am generally an advocate of slow burn so maybe this is why it kinda ruined what could've been. It just ended up feeling very juvenile at the end of the day.
I also enjoyed the overall vibes and the violence in the book, i thought they were both kinda fun. Would've loved to see more violence tbh (sorry not sorry).
Overall, the writing was a mess but i didn't hate it like i hate some other books. Will I read a sequel? I am not sure, i might depending on what will be the setting/plot for it, but i did not enjoy the ending to this book so maybe not.
I will also say that throughout listening to the book, i felt like it read like an action flick. A lot of action, some violence, some romance and a plot that didn't make a lot of sense. I can totally see the appeal and i think if you go in with the right expectations, it can be an enjoyable read! but if you go into it expecting a well-thoughtout fantasy, you might be disappointed.
I hope this review doesn't come off as too negative, you're totally valid if you love the book!! I just wish i did.
Immortal Longings is Chloe Gong adult debut and I loved it.
She has a special way to tell the story, and although the setting is dirty and dark, it is just impossible to not find her words beautiful.
Immortal longings is dystopian urban fantasy told by 3 main different POV, and some extra ones to spice things up a bit.
All POV are working for more or less the same purpose, but with different results in mind. In a world as damaged and corrupted as the twin capital cities of San-Er is it even possible to win?
“There are no gods in this world. Only kings and tyrants
I was hooked from the first page, and had my heart on my throat for the last 20% of the story. This book has everything I love in fantasy: high stakes, fast pace, interesting characters, foreshadowing and surprises.
The characters are the deliciously grey and it is still unclear who are the heroes and the villains. Everything is told and woven in a way that demands our attention until we are feeling what they feel. I fell for Anton, cried for other minor characters, felt anxious for the mysteries going on, and was surprised several times.
She stains his mind in vivid color, bright and burning and dangerous.
Recommended for Chloe Gong fans, as well as urban fantasy readers. If you enjoyed Altered Carbon from Netflix you will love this book.
I would like to thank Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
To me it’s a decent stand alone novel. Just not enticing enough for me to want to read any of the others in the series.