Average rating4.3
Absolutely beautiful and heart wrenching fairytale.
Written in a way that felt old-timey but still easy to read.
My only critique is that the ending felt rushed but it still had me in tears
This generation’s great children’s fantasy book.
It’s perfect, this is a perfect book. Buy it for your children, buy it for yourself, buy it for your grandmother. I hope that it is well read and that millions of children get from it what I got from Northern Lights.
It is a brilliantly fantastic book, it feels both modern and effortlessly readable in style but also like the telling of a myth. There are moral questions that present themselves without smashing you in the face and a group of characters that you route for all that way.
While this is a children’s book it pulls no punches with its emotional content, and neither should it. Bad things happen in real life and bad things happen in to the characters in this book. There are consequences to their actions, nothing good comes easily for them but they do it anyway.
I could go on about this book all day but I want. Just stop reading this review and go and read the book immediately.
DNF because of animal pet death. Regrettably, I had gifted a copy of this book to a 10 year old before reading it. This is one trope that I, personally, simply cannot deal with. I love my animal family members too much. That aside, this was an absolutely wonderful read and I was really enjoying it (hence the lack of star rating). I loved the many and diverse, weird characters. I was fascinated by the lore and the way the flip sides of the world were built.