In Siberia

In Siberia

1999 • 287 pages


118 books


Ways of Going Home
Eye on the world
Slow Boats Home
In Search of Conrad
Sailing through China
The Imperial Way: By Rail from Peshawar to Chittagong
The Happy Isles of Oceania: Paddling the Pacific


1,259 books

Tbr Wayback

A Box of Matches
A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
American Hero
An Unexpected Light: Travels in Afghanistan
A Parchment of Leaves
Beyond the Gap
Angus, tange i ljubljenje s vatanjem


3,780 books


A Box of Matches
A Fine and Private Place
Absolute Beginners
A Canticle for Leibowitz
A Flag for Sunrise
A Girl in Winter


2,732 books


The Angel
The Snow Leopard
White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves
Exit A
Inside Sahara
Crumpy's Campfire Companion


1,366 books

Uk Author

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Real "Bravo Two Zero"
City of Djinns
In Xanadu: A Quest
The Age of Kali
Danziger's Travels: Beyond Forbidden Frontiers
The Baker's Boy


2,134 books

Non Fiction

Days and Nights in Calcutta
The Real "Bravo Two Zero"
Soldier Five: The Real Truth about the Bravo Two Zero Mission
In Xanadu: A Quest
Danziger's Travels: Beyond Forbidden Frontiers
Infiltrators: Guns Drugs Deception And Murder Duty Calls
Paddy O'Brien: Whistle While You Work


123 books


Russia: A Journey to the Heart of a Land and its People
All the Right Places
The Incredible Mile: Siberia - Mongolia - Uzbekistan
Siberian Dream
Off The Rails
Holy Russia: An Historical Companion to European Russia
Corner Seat


760 books

4 Star

Sea of Poppies
City of Djinns
The Age of Kali
The Return of the King: Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings
Slumdog Millionaire
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Across the Nightingale Floor: Tales of the Otori Book One


132 books

Europe Eastern

Travels With My Family
Russia: A Journey to the Heart of a Land and its People
The Incredible Mile: Siberia - Mongolia - Uzbekistan
For Love and a Beetle: A Tale of Two Journeys
Dragoman Pass
Life on the Golden Horn
Holy Russia: An Historical Companion to European Russia


525 books


In Xanadu: A Quest
The Age of Kali
Autobiography of a geisha
The Meaning of Everything
Guests of Ayatollah : The First Battle in the West's War on Militant Islam
Fragmentation of the Middle East: The Last Thirty Years
Russia: A Journey to the Heart of a Land and its People