Average rating3
H. G. Wells, in his 1906 In the Days of the Comet uses the vapors of a comet to trigger a deep and lasting change in humanity's perspective on themselves and the world. In the build-up to a great war, poor student William Leadford struggles against the harsh conditions the lower-class live under. He also falls in love with a middle-class girl named Nettie. But when he discovers that Nettie has eloped with a man of upper-class standing, William struggles with the betrayal, and in the disorder of his own mind decides to buy a revolver and kill them both. All through this a large comet lights the night sky with a green glow, bright enough that the street lamps are left unlit.
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Am citit 80 de pagini din 300, dar imi vine sa adorm... nu trebuie sa-mi descrii o simpla camera in 4 pg, o poti face in una, iar imaginatia mea sa completeze. Ma asteptam ca acea cometa sa aiba un rol mai mare in poveste, dar cred ca e mentionata de vreo doua ori in aceste 80 de pg... pun pariu ca in ultimul sfert al cartii au loc elementele SF, pentru care am vrut sa citesc asta, dar eu nu o sa mai ajung acolo, din pacate pentru Wells. Nici Omul Invizibil nu m-a impresionat, pe asta nici macar nu vreau sa o termin... am inceput pe piciorul gresit cu acest autor.