Invisible Monsters Remix

Invisible Monsters Remix

1999 • 302 pages


Average rating3.7

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This book was a solid 3 the whole way through but the way everything just fell together in the end made me bump it up to a 4. Very weird disturbing yet beautiful book. Really makes you think about how you are living your life.

March 13, 2015
March 24, 2022

Palahniuk cerca di stupire il lettore, riempiendo la narrazione di colpi di scena, personaggi strambi in cui nulla è quello che sembra... alla fine il dosaggio è forse eccessivo, ma la storia tiene e comunque la scrittura di Palahniuk non è male, anzi...

August 1, 2007
June 6, 2011

This was an intriguing book about identity and perception. I liked how Shannon gradually learned about making assumptions based on appearances and how she learned the truth about herself and others.

February 17, 2009