Average rating4
What a delightful surprise!
This book has an amazing narrative, the story is captivating and full of surprises, the characters are well developed and the ending is perfect!
I'm wondering how is going to be the next book because this one had such a nice ending.
I couldn't stop turning pages. This book moves along surprisingly fast; the writing style is good and flows well. The characters are vivid, though there are many, and the family is easily pictured.
I had only two nit-picks. I wanted to slap one hero many a time for throwing away his honor and nearly wrecking his life and two others in the process. He just kept going and going, and one promise he made and broke really got on my nerves. The other is that the characters are all Catholic, so there is consequently more talk of God and faith than there in of Jesus and a personal relationship. However, the author made some good points about what place faith should take in our lives: #1—and also showed that the changes in the characters were through God and prayer.
I'm looking forward to book two, which I bought yesterday!