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Is a Worry Worrying You?

Is a Worry Worrying You?


Average rating3


In today's contemporary society, worrying seems to happen at a younger and younger age every year. The Book Is a Worry Worrying You? by Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz explain to children what a worry actually is, and try to teach them how to cope, suggestion ways to deal with their fears.

“A worry is a thought that stops your from having fun, from feeling good, from being happy. Don't bother looking for a worry because you'll never find it. It is invisible. But it seems very real.”

Great definition of what a worry is; well explain to children. But that explanation and the illustrations are pretty much the only things I liked about this book. As I read on, I couldn't stop thinking “how is that ever going to be helpful to a kid prone to anxiety?”


For a kid of reading age, this book would probably be more amusing than educational.

The illustrations are gorgeous; there isn't a doubt about that. A young child would have a lot of fun looking at the pictures and making up their own stories.

Full Review here @ The HungryBookster