Average rating5
Killer House Party by Lily Anderson
Arden finds out her parents spent her college fund on a house that no one has lived in for years... something bad happened there but no one knows exactly what. To raise money for her college fund, Arden hosts a party at the house and things start out great until the house decides that no one will be leaving alive.
This one was actually quite brilliant. I loved the idea of the house having this reputation but no one knows exactly what happened there. The things that happen in the house.... OMG it was horrifying. Arden was annoying as an MC. She wasn't my kind of character but everyone else was great. It's graphic.... LOVED THAT!! The story was terrifyingly delicious and I loved every second of the book.
Highly recommend 4.5 stars
I was looking forward to a Killer House Party and instead it was a dud. Read it and let me know what you think.