Average rating3.5
I don't know... it had an interesting plot... but I didn't like MCs and their “love story”... not sure if I will continue to read this series
I enjoyed it so much. I was invested in the story, the pasting made me fly through it. I thought Sarai And Victor's relationship was epic.
This book was probably one of the first dark romance novels I've ever read and it was a great book to begin with. It had a little bit of everything: action, adventure, romance- well actually, there was a lot of romance. It captured my attention from the start and didn't let it go until the last page, and even then it ended with a bit of a cliff-hanger.
First of all, there were very little spelling and grammar mistakes, so that made me very happy because there's nothing that ruins a book more for me than silly little spelling errors and such. It's definitely not a difficult read but it isn't overly easy either.
I love that right of the bat, we get into the action of it all, I'm not a big fan of having to read chapter after chapter waiting for the plot to get moving. In this book, there was no such thing.
Another huge plus of this book was that we get both Victor's perspective and Sarai's from time to time which switched it up a bit and kept me on my toes. In addition, instead of writing the same event and time frame from two different characters' perspectives, the book keeps moving by continuing from where the last person's perspective ended and by going into the next thing that happens after that.
The dialogue was another thing that Redmerski nailed in this book, especially since it flaws smoothly and is believable for this particular situation after taking everything else into account.
I very much loved the gradual development of Sarai's relationship with Victor and because of this it made it that much more realistic and believable. Neither character was in love with the other from first sight, and instead they end up slowly realizing just how much they both mean to each other. I myself don't believe in love-at-first-sight and this definitely made me want to keep reading, in order to find out just how things progress between them and where things end up in the end. Also, considering Sarai's messed up background- it only made sense that she had some issues in the beginning of their relationship. Psychologically, that kind of damage doesn't go away for a long time and we could see instances of her issues and damaged personas all throughout the book. I'm glad that their relationship isn't a “fairy tale” type because how boring would that be?
Can I just say how happy I was that there are more books in the series? Because that cliffhanger in the end, that really made me go WTF? I definitely can't wait to read the next one and it's actually the next book on my to-read list.
I always thought that books with a lot of smut are rather inappropriate and I wasn't really comfortable reading them until I picked up this book, which was very tastefully written. I can honestly say that this book turned me into a believer of dark, romance novels and also made me realize that smut can be written flawlessly, without being overly vulgar and yet not going into overdrive with the dirty language either. In addition, it didn't stretch any one scene for too long and kept flawing gradually from one scene to the next which in turn made it a downright delight to read.
This book is for anyone who loves a fast-paced, “assassin-rescue-the-heroine-plot” with some smut but not overly too much to overwhelm any readers who aren't really comfortable with the sexual situations.