Average rating3.6
This book was a lot better than Glass Sword (#2), especially with the added perspectives of Evangeline and Cameron. Still, it's still nowhere near the first book.
This is one of the times I somehow keep buying and reading the sequels, hoping the next book will be -at least- as good as the first. Or maybe the next will be. Or the next. Luckily King's Cage was an improvement of Glass Sword.
To be honest, if the next book wasn't already sitting on my bookshelf, I probably wouldn't have continued reading this series
I like Maven, I hope he gets healed some how and ends up with Mare.
Other than Maven's parts this book was a let down.
I liked this book best so far. The beginning was a little depressing and drawn out, towards the end it picks up the pace. I'm excited to read the next one.
This book was better than the precious books but it could have been cut by >300 pages.
I literally had to put down the book and just process for a couple minutes after I finished.
Every book in this series changes genres, just a little. While the first one felt a bit like a spy story, and the second more an adventure, this one was an odd mix of the two! The perspective switches were (almost always) super interesting and the diversity and representation was awesome!
I do feel like this book fell a little flat simply because there were a couple chapters that dragged a little long. While in the beginning, we got Mare and Cameron's perspective, I thought that once Mare got out of imprisonment, we were going to get Evangeline's as a replacement of Cam's. While there was only one more chapter from Cameron's perspective, I still felt it was a little unnecessary.
But, considering that was the worst part of the book says a lot!! I adored the subtly of the writing and I loved the twists and turns of the characters backstories we got. Not to mention the fight scenes were so fast-paced and action packed! They also paid off so much more because of how little there were.
Even though I docked this book a star, I still think that it is phenomenal and I can't wait to read the final installment of the series!!!
Ugh why. me the whole time
Could have been better, but it really depends on how the series ends. So many confusions but I still like the author's writing and effort in carrying on with the series.
3.5 Stars
I was not expecting King's Cage to be better than either of the first two books in this series. I honestly thought it would be on par with book one (and hoped it would be better than book two). I'm pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. This still isn't my favorite series in the world, but I definitely am happy I continued past Glass Sword.
I don't know if this is meant to be a trilogy, but if it is, it's the worst ending I have ever read. It's a shame because I loved the first and second volume. Other then the ending it's very good, but man, I can't get past what Victoria decided to have happen at the end!
Di buku ini porsi Maven lebih banyak dari buku sblmnya, walau menurutku kurang byk qiqiqi. Mare menjadi tawanan Maven, dibelenggu & dikurung dlm kamar bagus. Ada bbrp bagian buku dimana Mare menghabiskan waktu dgn Maven. Semakin suka sama Maven disini.
Lewat acara pernikahan kenegaraan Maven, Mare berhasil diselamatkan oleh barisan merah & dibawa ke pangkalan Piedmont. Hubungan Mare & Cal menjadi semakin intens, sayang seperti biasa penerbit MF suka sensor2 hal2 menariknya.
Di akhir buku, Mare menganggap dikhianati oleh Cal, sama spt Maven mengkhianatinya dulu. Walau menurutku, Mare berlebihan. Bagaimanapun Cal dilahirkan sebagai pewaris tahta. Dia dibesarkan & digembleng untuk menduduki tahta api, jadi kalau Cal menjalankan tugas yg sdh ditetapkan untuknya semenjak dia lahir itu masuk akal.
Definitely an improvement over book two, although the love triangle-y aspects are still annoying. But I very much enjoyed the multiple POV's - especially Evangeline! What?? I am now actually looking forward to the release of book 4 - I'm very interested to see how this saga plays out.
I really like the book!!!! Victoria didn't let me down with the third book, so glad!. (Even though my hate for hate for Maven grew even more in this book! Cal and Mare forever!!) The only problem I had with this book was the ending. I don't know why I didn't felt satisfied with the ending. Probably because I want all my characters to be safe and happy! Can't wait for the next book!
A slow read, but an interesting insight into Mare's mind and the heart of the rebellion. Finished in a single day because it was so good❤️