Average rating3.8
Slight asterisk on the starring system. I read a lot of gensres/subgenres and don't hold all of them to same standard. Vaugh delivered what I wanted, I nice cozy read with smart characters and romance that wasn't x-rated. That being said, I don't necessarily like it as much as other books I've given 4 stars to. The romance took a strange left turn and I wasn't in love with how the locals were characterized.
This is a book were nothing seemed to happen and then all at the end things happened and turned into a different book. Definitely two different events going on so it felt splintered. I thought the book was ending, but I still had 3 hours left of the book.
Probably won't continue... its been fun, but this book dragged so much, and I'm not really impressed anymore. Cormic is my favorite character and since he won't really be in it... at least for awhile, I guess I'm not interested.
Also, love triangle out of no where?! UGH
I also really missed her being on the radio show, which turns out were my favorite parts of the books previously but in this one when she called in to the radio had me groaning in frustration.
I do see this as maybe the turning point for the series and perhaps things will be very different in the next book, so maybe I'll give it a try if I am in need of an audiobook and nothing is available, but probably not.