Average rating3.7
Me arrepiento de no haber leído esta obra maestra antes. Espero poder verla pronto en teatro.
Me parece atemporal porque trata temas que, tristemente, a día de hoy siguen afectándonos a las mujeres, y a día de hoy entre hombres se siguen cubriendo esas atrocidades, apoyados por otras mujeres.
Increíble, García Lorca.
Las hijas de Bernarda me recuerdan a mis primas: todas peleando por un mismo hombre.
Okay, the novel surely hides some details I missed but I have to say I didn't like it vert much.
A story about a mom who is so obsessed with keeping her family's image blemish-free that she prevents her 5 daughters (ages ranging from mid 20s to late 30s) from making contact with the outside world. The girls are basically held hostages in their own home. One of her daughters, Angustias, is allowed to be visited by a suitor, but she can only meet with him from her bedroom window which contains bars as a barrier between them. Since this is the only man that is ever found on the grounds, you can imagine that the other ladies also secretly desire Angustia's fiancee. He represents love and freedom and one of the sisters will go through great lengths for a taste of freedom.