Average rating4.1
[b:Sky Key 24465662 Sky Key (Endgame, #2) James Frey https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1433872244s/24465662.jpg 44058496]JAGS TALALOC HOW DARE U DISAPPEAR ON ME !!wow. i have no words. except wow. and those above concerning a certain Olmec .
Was I still reading it past midnight? Did I finish it in less than 24h? Yes! On to book 3!
Book two of the ENDGAME series picks up where book one ended. Avery has lost everything. Her house. Her pride. And her virginity, all at the hands of Gabriel Miller. Now living in a run down hotel Avery desperately wants to get her home back and never see Gabriel again.
When Gabriel offers Avery a light at the end of a tunnel. She reaches out with both hands only to have it all taken away again. Soon it becomes apparent that there is more going on here than meets the eyes. And the good guys may not be all they appear to be. While one very bad man may be exactly what Avery needs.
Where to begin? Where to begin? So, first off I enjoyed this one just as much as the first book. Same fabulous writing. Same fast pace action. More twists and turns and mysteries uncovered. Interesting side characters (I REALLY am hoping Avery's BFF and stepbrother get a book.)
That said, there were a couple things I was disappointed in. One, I don't think this one has as much sexual tension as the first book. And I missed that a little bit. Avery and Gabriel don't actually spend a lot of time together (it felt that way to me in any case) and maybe that is why I felt less of a connection between them.
Also in the first book, I felt Avery held her own against Gabriel. In this one, I wanted her to stand up for herself more. She really caved to anything he wanted and she let him hurt her WAY too much. I wanted her to say “F@ck you Gabriel! F@ck the house!” And go get herself a J-O-B. On the flip side, I wish we would have gotten some insight into Gabriel's thought process because I found him a tad bit TOO cruel (for my tastes) in this one. It made it hard for me to believe he actually cared for Avery.
Those small issues aside, this one was a great read for me and you can bet that I'll be lining up to get my hands on book three. Two thumbs up from yours truly.