Lady Luck
2011 • 535 pages


Average rating4.1


So I'm reading the quotes, and I found out Tate's in this book. However, as much as I want to fangirl about that, it feels sort of bittersweet to me; Tate's story is done. GOOD BYE, LAUREN'S HOT HUSBAND. I'LL MISS YOUUUUUUUUU.

EDIT: that I'm done...I've got to say...I LOVED THIS BOOK. Oh my feels were rebounding everywhere. Honestly, there were times that I just took a break from it (in fact, I took such long breaks that I don't really remember why I took them in the first place), though I think the main reason I cheated on this book for another was because of the long descriptions. Of course, that can't be helped; we have to be able to visualize the scenery or else Kristen Ashley wouldn't be doing her job as an amazing author. It's just a me-thing.
Anyways, YESYESYES I ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO WHOMEVER MAY BE READING THIS. The way Ashley somehow built a connection between Ty and Lexie is simply awe-striking. They went from Ty barely talking to Lexie to the happy ending in every one of Ashley's books. I'm simply amazed. However, I DID throw a fit when I thought Angel had died towards the end, though THANK YOU KRISTEN ASHLEY FOR NOT KILLING HIM OFF. Yeah the ending was a little cheesy though it made me happy so I don't care.

April 24, 2016Report this review