Average rating4.5
To put it bluntly, Locke & Key was perfect from beginning to end and is one of the best things I've ever read. It was scary as hell, but when all is said and done I am left thinking fondly of my friends, family, and loved ones. I have seen and agree with the comparison of reading this to watching Lost, yet Locke & Key was so much more satisfying in the end. To say any more would ruin the fun. Unforgettable.
I had the fortune of reading the entire series over the course of one weekend rather than months/years. I really enjoyed the end a lot. I was reluctant to give it 5 stars, but I really was just so sucked in by this point and emotionally invested in these characters that I just had to know how it all came out, dreading what the results would be.
They made me laugh once or twice between all the cringing and sobbing. I don't want to say how it ends of course but I will it left off in such a way that I'm satisfied and not left with lingering questions.
There is really little to say here that hasn't been said in my previous reviews. The artwork is great. It compliments the story This story wouldn't be what it was without it, just as the artwork wouldn't be what it is without the text.
The whole series was great with a fantastic set of characters. Images are beautiful and content so interesting. If you haven't already and you enjoy graphic novels, give it a shot.
So when Tyler is recounting letting his sister Kinsey get in the car with the clearly smashed Shep, the paramedics attending to the badly injured Kinsey have got to be Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez themselves. Later we get the epic, tongue-in-cheek nod to Stephen King's Carrie. The series has been a home run and Hill and Rodriguez are rounding the bases and waving to the fans. It's coming full circle as we built to a shattering climax. We once again return to the caves while Rufus makes his way to Keyhouse, his journey mirroring Sam Lesser's in Volume one. A satisfying end to a new favorite graphic novel series.
Good God, this volume was rough. Yep, I cried. And by the end, I loved the art. Ugh, rip my heart out, why doncha?
Dammit, Tyler. I like him better the second time. I managed NOT to cry, but my nose sure was tingling.
It was a great story. I had no expectations because I rarely read horror stories.
Bode and Rufus were my favourites and wished they had more adventures. Their stories made me wonder if Joe Hill have ever written or will write a children book.