Cover 6


Logistics: A Christmas Story


Average rating4


Apparently, I didn't read the description well enough because this one wasn't quite what I expected it to be, I expected more from the “change her views on life and reality” aspect of things but that aspect is dealt with in such a way that inner turmoil in that regard is largely avoided. That being said, it was a charming read that had me chuckling a few times.

While it's a Christmas story it's not a religious book, unless you consider capitalism to be a religion, and this is where I have a little beef with this book. There's this air about it that what capitalism needs to be redeemed is charitable capitalism and a splash of white saviorism (one scene at the end features a Chinese worker making a scene of his gratitude at having moved into nice company town housing...) which clashes with the cleareyed understanding of many things that shows up at other times. There's also the softcore version of one of my most hated romance trope (which is time skip to baby, here it's time skip to pregnancy).

I know it sound like I hated the book but I really didn't (aside from that one aforementioned scene with the worker which I did hate). The mythology that Coppel created is fun and leaves a lot of room for more stories set in the same universe. It's also a no spice romance that works well if you're not the overly romantic type (if Hallmark movies are a little to saccharine for you).

Many thanks to Chris Coppel for sending me a digital copy of this book for review consideration.

December 21, 2023Report this review