Average rating4
I was very happy to see bits of every main character mentioned in this book, though for some it took a long time to reach them. I do have to say the last hundred pages of this book were amazing! Jordan did a great job organizing the characters development, though Faile confuses me. I hope the questions she left me with are answered in the next book.
Robert Jordan has a talent for making his characters misunderstand one another. I haven't read an author before who has so accurately stuck with their characters' personalities like Jordan does. It makes sense that certain characters haven't learned about others actions or events in parts if the world. It skews their opinions and I love it!
I still can't stand the attitude of women in this book though. They walk around like the best people in the world and treat men like crap. These are some of the most manipulative women I have ever read of in a fantasy novel. The end of this book made me so happy to see some of them finally put in their place.