Average rating4
Let the Lord of Chaos Rule!
I am going to sound like a broken record here, when I say that this book is exactly like the last two books. Incredibly complex plotlines, outstanding worldbuilding, satisfying character moments, and shocking twists and turns, while we have to suffer through terribly written romance and romantic drama. Character developments improves significantly from the other books.
Glory to the Lord Dragon! Hail the Asha'man!
Kneel to the Lord Dragon or you will be Knelt!Story/Plot -> Egwene's plot is the most satisfying in this book. The story surged ahead with for Nyneave, Egwene and Elayne (finally!). Rand-Taim is fun, Rand-Min is horrible, Perrin-Faile is barely readable and so boring. Some amazing twists, Alanna!, Nicola jumping in! Elaida's plan was pretty impressive. I enjoyed the plot and loved the ending, but there was so many parts of the book [all the romance] where it was not even readable... I could have tolerated Rand-Min. Egwene-Gawyn was actually good! But I cannot take another page of Faile and Perrin. DELETE DELETEWorldbuilding -> Great worldbuilding as usual! Healing, Travelling, Ter'Angreal, Asha'Man, The WHEEL of TIME and the DARK ONE! My god!!! But this one does not make the full 10/10, since I think books 4 and 5 did much better. Character Development -> Egwene steals the show here. The use of her learning Aiel culture, and her moment of clarity to speak the truth, the way she wrenches control from the Salidar Aes Sedai! So satisfying. Finally an Egwene book. I loved Nyneave's changing character. Not so much anger, more frustration and embarrassment, and her PTSD from Moghedien! Rand is truly the Lord of Chaos, so well done. I loved the chaos of Lews Therin in his mind, the Chaos of his battle plans, his choas of trying to install Elayne in Andor, and just Chaos everywhere. Love it! New fav character -> Mazrim Taim (who is probably Demandred)As usual, there are a ton of pointless characters I will never remember. Literally why is Berelain in this book? Just to antagonize Faile ? FAILE I want to DELETE! Prose/Dialogue -> Credit to RJ for toning down the Men-Women commentary here in this book, but it is still there... Romance and associated plotlines are still so cringe, but let's not talk about this again. Some very impressive writing, especially with the ending. Emotional Impact -> I am so confused how to rate this. There were part of the book which loved so much and other parts I could never read again. But the ending was glorious and I love glorious endings. But it also took so long to get there.. so much nonsense in the second half!