Lovecraft Country


Average rating4


I really enjoyed this! I admit to being a little hesitant at first because I wasn't sure a white guy was the right guy to tell this story but as I read it I changed my mind: maybe it's white people who need to do the work of really confronting the racism in Lovecraft. We need to see his horror for what it really is - not the shoggoths and color out of space - but Lovecraft's racist, anti-Semitic, sexist views. That's the real horror and we as a country have bought into it for too many years.

As far as the narrative, it took me a minute to get used to the serialized nature of it. I LOVED Letitia and Hippolyta and would read more books about their adventures.

Finally, I see that the HBO show has made Caleb into Christina which I think is brilliant! White women consistently put being white above all else so it makes sense to have this evil character be in the guise of someone white supremacy has used as a cover for racism for hundreds of years.

July 22, 2020