Loving the Lieutenant

Loving the Lieutenant

2020 • 157 pages


Average rating2.3


Contains spoilers

I went into this hoping for a regency style romance with a black female lead and was left disappointed. If you, like me, wanted to read a spicy romance set in the regency era then you may want to look elsewhere. I feel that story does little to invoke that feeling of budding romance and instead focuses entirely too much on raw lust between the characters. I loved that Jo’s race and parentage was not simply waved away and ignored but i personally feel that due to her race there should have been more care taken with her relationship with the ML. We don’t get to see them falling in love and overcoming the obstacles society places on them. Instead we’re immediately thrust into how much Max wants to sleep with her, he does within days of meeting her and then they end up being forced to marry because he’s ruined her already shaky reputation. It is all explained away due to them actually loving one another but this was not the cozy feel good story I was hoping for. I’d love a regency era story with a Black lead where she can be treated with the same amount of innocence and dainty care as anyone else and not like a vixen to be lusted after.

July 28, 2024Report this review