Average rating3.9
I read this because it fitted a prompt in my reading challenge. I had asked a friend if she had read any of his books and she said no. I thought by the number of books he has out, he must be good. I really enjoyed it and I look forward to reading the rest of the Amos Decker stories as I really liked the characters.
While I think I prefer Baldacci's Will Robie series, this wasn't bad. I liked the complexities of Amos Decker and I liked the supporting characters. Parts of the plot seemed a little too convenient and a little too thin. Still not sure I actually believed the killer's motive, but okay. Occassionally the writing felt repetitive (I'm hoping that changes with future books because then the main characters would already know about Amos's condition). But I'll probably end up picking up Book 2 at some point.
3.5 ⭐️
El libro es muy entretenido y fácil de leer. El protagonista es muy peculiar y diferente, por lo que aborda los casos de una forma distinta a lo tradicional. Sin embargo, no me convenció la razón que tuvo el malo para atacar al bueno. Algunos dirán que a veces no hace falta una razón para la maldad, pero desde mi punto de vista le faltó más peso o argumento. Por lo demás, es una lectura amena y ligera para el verano.