Mestaritontun seikkailut

Mestaritontun seikkailut

1919 • 144 pages


Average rating3


Since we've been reading many classics of children's literature during the past year, it was only a matter time before we would start Aili Somersalo's Mestaritontun seikkailut. I remember the radio adaptation from my early childhood only vaguely, and my recollections were so hazy that I had forgotten about the plot entirely, so much so that even while reading I couldn't recognize anything in particular. I had an inkling of an underwater kingdom, but that was it.

Ironically, there isn't much to remember in terms of a plot. The book takes its time to get going, and there's another, loosely related adventure towards the end that doesn't even include the titular character. It didn't really matter, though, since my kids loved the story, and these are girls who like Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland and Roald Dahl to bits. We usually read before bedtime, but since it's was a Saturday when we finished, they wanted to read during the day. So that a strong recommendation unto itself.

December 21, 2019Report this review